ZeroGuess Benchmark (lmfit for wavelet function)

How This Benchmark Works

This benchmark evaluates different parameter estimation and curve fitting approaches using synthetic data with known ground truth values.


  1. Test Data Generation: 50 different parameter sets are randomly generated for the wavelet function. For each parameter set, synthetic data is created with 5% noise added.
  2. Methods Compared:
    • Simple + lmfit: Uses central values from parameter ranges as starting points
    • ZeroGuess + lmfit: Uses ZeroGuess's neural network to estimate starting parameters
    • True + lmfit: Uses the true parameters as starting points (best case scenario)
    Each method is tested with different optimization algorithms (least_squares, dual_annealing)
  3. Metrics:
    • Fit Success: Whether the fitting algorithm converged
    • Parameter Success: Whether all recovered parameters are within 10% of true values
    • Computation Time: Time for parameter estimation and fitting
    • Function Evaluations: Number of function calls required

Summary for wavelet function

Success and Performance Metrics

Method Fit Success Parameter Success Estimation Time (s) Fitting Time (s) Function Evaluations
Simple + lmfit (least_squares) 100.0% 16.0% 0.0004 0.0159 110.4
ZeroGuess + lmfit (least_squares) 100.0% 82.0% 0.0011 0.0082 50.8
True + lmfit (dual_annealing) 100.0% 88.0% 0.0004 0.7916 8264.5
Simple + lmfit (dual_annealing) 100.0% 88.0% 0.0004 0.7882 8261.7
ZeroGuess + lmfit (dual_annealing) 100.0% 90.0% 0.0011 0.7891 8271.8
True + lmfit (least_squares) 100.0% 92.0% 0.0004 0.0117 26.2

Parameter Error Summary

Method frequencyphasepositionwidth
Simple + lmfit (least_squares) 33.0%19.4%23.2%40.2%
ZeroGuess + lmfit (least_squares) 4.4%4.1%1.1%4.1%
True + lmfit (dual_annealing) 4.3%2.5%0.5%2.1%
Simple + lmfit (dual_annealing) 2.7%1.9%0.3%1.8%
ZeroGuess + lmfit (dual_annealing) 5.5%2.5%0.3%1.9%
True + lmfit (least_squares) 3.5%1.3%0.3%1.9%


Summary Chart

Sample Fits

Simple + lmfit (least_squares)

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Simple + lmfit (least_squares) - Set 1
Simple + lmfit (least_squares) - Set 2
Simple + lmfit (least_squares) - Set 3

ZeroGuess + lmfit (least_squares)

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ZeroGuess + lmfit (least_squares) - Set 1
ZeroGuess + lmfit (least_squares) - Set 2
ZeroGuess + lmfit (least_squares) - Set 3

True + lmfit (least_squares)

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True + lmfit (least_squares) - Set 1
True + lmfit (least_squares) - Set 2
True + lmfit (least_squares) - Set 3

Simple + lmfit (dual_annealing)

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Simple + lmfit (dual_annealing) - Set 1
Simple + lmfit (dual_annealing) - Set 2
Simple + lmfit (dual_annealing) - Set 3

ZeroGuess + lmfit (dual_annealing)

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ZeroGuess + lmfit (dual_annealing) - Set 1
ZeroGuess + lmfit (dual_annealing) - Set 2
ZeroGuess + lmfit (dual_annealing) - Set 3

True + lmfit (dual_annealing)

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True + lmfit (dual_annealing) - Set 1
True + lmfit (dual_annealing) - Set 2
True + lmfit (dual_annealing) - Set 3